(A2) Finding the Music / En pos de la música - English/Spanish Study Guide

 Finding the Music / En pos de la música
Jennifer Torres, Renato Alarcão, Alexis Romay
ISBN: 978-0-89239-406-7, 2015, 38 pages

    FTM.001 - Above a booth at the back of the Cielito Lindo restaurant...

    FTM.002 - Reyna liked to climb into her favorite booth...

    FTM.003 - All day the doorbell jangled as customers walked in...

    FTM.004 - Suddenly one of the Sandoval twins threw a spoonful of food...

    FTM.005 - Outside, Reyna sucked in a deep breath and examined...

    FTM.006 - Not far from Cielito Lindo was Don Antonio's hardware store.

    FTM.007 - Reyna recognized one of the faces from photographs...

coming soon...

    FTM.008 - Across the street Reyna saw Miss Ana, the school music teacher...

    FTM.009 - When Miss Ana returned, she was carrying a hat...

    FTM.010 - Talking with Miss Ana had given Reyna another idea...

    FTM.011 - "Reyna, hello!" Señor Marcos called when Reyna entered the shop.

    FTM.012 - "¡Gracias!" Reyna cried. Miss Ana was right.

    FTM.013 - Señor Marcos led Reyna to his office.

    FTM.014 - "Where have you been?" Mamá asked when she heard...

    FTM.015 - As the dinnertime crowd filled Cielito Lindo...

    FTM.016 - Author's Note

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