
  ⸻ English translation by Carol and Thomas Christensen ⸻

Likewise for Tita the joy of living was wrapped up in the delights of food. It wasn't easy for a person whose knowledge of life was based on the kitchen to comprehend the outside world. That world was an endless expanse that began at the door between the kitchen and the rest of the house, whereas everything on the kitchen side of that door, on through the door leading to the patio and the kitchen and herb gardens was completely hers—it was Tita's realm.

⸻ DeepL translation from English to Spanish ⸻

Asimismo, para Tita la alegría de vivir estaba envuelta en las delicias de la comida. No era fácil para una persona cuyo conocimiento de la vida se basaba en la cocina comprender el mundo exterior. Ese mundo era una extensión interminable que comenzaba en la puerta que separaba la cocina del resto de la casa, mientras que todo lo que había en el lado de la cocina, a través de la puerta que llevaba al patio y a los jardines de hierbas era completamente suyo: era el reino de Tita.

⸻ Original text by Laura Esquivel ⸻

De igual forma confundía el gozo del vivir con el de comer. No era fácil para una persona que conoció la vida a través de la cocina entender el mundo exterior. Ese gigantesco mundo que empezaba de la puerta de la cocina hacia el interior de la casa, porque el que colindaba con la puerta trasera de la cocina y que daba al patio, a la huerta, a la hortaliza, sí le pertenecía por completo, lo dominaba.

⸻ DeepL traducción del español al inglés ⸻

In the same way, she confused the joy of living with the joy of eating. It was not easy for a person who knew life through the kitchen to understand the outside world. That gigantic world that started from the kitchen door towards the interior of the house, because the one that adjoined the back door of the kitchen and that overlooked the patio, the vegetable garden, the orchard, did belong to her completely, she dominated it.

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