
⸻ English translation by Carol and Thomas Christensen ⸻

Sometimes she would cry for no reason at all, like when Nacha chopped onions, but since they both knew the cause of those tears, they didn't pay them much mind. They made them a source of entertainment, so that during her childhood Tita didn't distinguish between tears of laughter and tears of sorrow. For her laughing was a form of crying.

⸻ DeepL translation from English to Spanish ⸻

A veces lloraba sin motivo alguno, como cuando Nacha cortaba cebollas, pero como ambos sabían la causa de esas lágrimas, no les daban mucha importancia. Las convertían en una fuente de entretenimiento, de modo que durante su infancia Tita no distinguía entre lágrimas de risa y lágrimas de tristeza. Para ella reír era una forma de llorar.

⸻ Original text by Laura Esquivel ⸻

Algunas veces lloraba de balde, como cuando Nacha picaba cebolla, pero como las dos sabían la razón de esas lágrimas, no se tomaban en serio. Inclusive se convertían en motivo de diversión, a tal grado que durante su niñez Tita no diferenciaba bien las lágrimas de la risa de las del llanto. Para ella reír era una manera de llorar.

⸻ DeepL traducción del español al inglés ⸻

Sometimes she cried for nothing, like when Nacha chopped onions, but since they both knew the reason for those tears, they were not taken seriously. They even became a source of amusement, to such an extent that during her childhood Tita did not differentiate tears of laughter from tears of crying. For her, laughing was a way of crying.

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